The Typical CNA Job Description

The common or typical CNA job description depends on your work environment but it will have a lot of common tasks.

The preparation to do all of these tasks listed below will come from your accredited CNA program and earning your certification.

What you end up doing everyday will most likely be a mixture of some of these tasks. Every place of employment can be different and may have individual demands for the job.

Overall CNA Job Description

Physical Tasks

Physical Work on the Job

The role as a Certified Nurse Assistant has several roles. One major one is assisting in physical movements when needed. Here are the physical tasks you will need to provide your patients when needed:

  • Cleaning patient bed and surrounding area
  • Toileting care
  • Assisting with basic hygiene
  • Feeding meals
  • Assist in physical movement
  • Cleaning and caring for wounds or sores
  • Pre surgery prepping
  • Changing bedding regurlarly
  • Exercise assistance
  • Cleaning equipment
  • Transporting patients
  • Keep a clean and sterile personal area for yourself

Observational Tasks

Patient Point of Care – Observation

The second part of the job description for nursing aides is to observe their patients. This is a very important role. Very understated. Lives are saved here. In many cases the CNA or home care aide is the first one there. Knowing your protocol here is essential to the job. Here is a list of some observational duties that will be expected of you on the job:

  • Taking of Vital Signs
  • Monitor diagnostic and medical equipment
  • Monitor for any physical changes in patient
  • Check for speech changes in your patients
  • Listen to them sleep and rest
  • Check for behavioral changes
  • Monitor diet
  • Monitor restroom activities
  • Keep infection under control
  • Take measurements

Documentation Tasks

Documentation is Critical

Following all required documentation is essential to being a CNA. This cannot be stressed enough to those becoming or looking to become nurse aides. What can be considered the most important thing a CNA can do is provide trustful oversight for the patient.

Remember that each patient has loved ones who need to know that their family is taken care of and watching them in case of emergencies. Just being quick to call 911 can be the difference. Being aware all the time as a nurse aide is critical to that trust between CNA and the family of the patient.

  • Taking careful records of all patient activities
  • Recording of food and drink intake of the patients
  • Keeping your supervising nurse of anything changing or important
  • Record all data from diagnostic and medical equipment
  • Record and track all patient medication
  • Document any accidents, be it falls or slips

Get Information and Resources for CNAs

Now that you know what a CNA job description is, you can get yourself informed for the career!!

Salary Guide
Jobs Guide
3 Steps to Become a CNA
Online Program Guide

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